TES-LAMP s.r.o. Czech Republic

General information

This company is incorporated in Companies Register kept by the Regional Court in Brno, subsection C under file No. 49610.

TES-LAMP s.r.o.
IČ 258 72 044
DIČ CZ 258 72 044

Zastavecka 1183
665 01 Rosice
Czech Republic, EU
Tel. Rosice: +420 739 379 698
Tel. Kraliky: +420 739 410 049


Are you in need of assistance or consultation? Feel free to email us for general information and support purposes. Our representative will contact you back.

+420 739 410 049

Do you wish to discuss your purchase via phone? Team of our sales representatives will always try to match your request with product that best suits your needs.

Visit us

Would you like to discuss something personally? You can always visit our office or retail store! Let us know and we can schedule a meeting based on your time preferences.

Distribution and retail

Your product can be delivered to you anywhere in the country. Should you not wish to use our transportation services, you can always opt for pickup in retail.

Partner in Slovakia

In order to limit international shipping and trade fees, we have formed partnership with TOPLIGHT s.r.o. to handle orders in Slovak Republic (SK).